Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.
Images and photos of KnoxOut. ESC WELT.


Only 81 items at this price left on our website!
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100% eco-friendly
Exclusive design
Best gift for anyone
Delivery takes 6-7 days from £39,90

Have you dreamed of discovering secret worlds?

We have prepared the best mix of the EscapeWelt Universe.

Knoxout combines the challenges of an escape room with the logical problem-solving of a puzzle. Immerse yourself in one of EscapeWelt’s many worlds.

All you need is the game and your brain. All your thoughts will be directed toward solving the puzzle. This set is great for any occasion. Play with friends and family and unravel the secrets of the EscapeWelt worlds.

You can also use the games as a custom gift wrap. Fort Knox Pro, House of the Dragon, and Orbital Box allow you to place a small present inside as an added surprise. Watch as your loved one attempts to solve the riddles to earn their gift!

(Don’t worry, we have instructions for you on how to open the gift compartment and close it again quickly)

Buy Knoxout and delight your loved ones!

Immerse yourself in the EscapeWelt Universe.

In this set, you will find:

  1. Fort Knox Pro- Have you ever wanted to pull off a heist? Don the mask of a professional robber as you attempt to infiltrate Fort Knox. Solve the puzzle to unlock the vault and the ultimate prize inside, the one-of-a-kind Bubu coin. Believe me. You can do a lot with it.
  2. Space Box - Travel through space with Bubu, the cosmonaut, and explore the EscapeWelt Universe! But first, you must pass Bubu’s test. Use all your brainpower to solve Bubu’s riddles he invented while sitting alone in his spaceship. Earn Bubu’s respect and travel through space as your reward.
  3. House of the Dragon - That was the story of our old Japanese friend Asahi. Ever since his youth, he was working 12 hours per day as a carpenter to give everything to his only son Ryoto. But as soon as Ryoto turned 18, he left his dad to study in Tokyo, and never came back to visit him. Many years passed, and Asahi learned that his son got a family and the carpenter’s grandchildren already go to school. That was the moment he had been waiting for! Asahi took his paints, and brushes and started to draw and daydream about how his family would reunite.

Our puzzles challenge your logic!

Technical specifications:

Knoxout includes:

* Fort Knox Pro

Weight - 250 g

Dimensions - 12 x 10 x 11.5 cm

The inside compartment 5,3 х 5,3 х 3 cm

Flyer instruction

* Space Box 

Weight - 495g

Dimensions - 12 x 12 x 9 cm

The inside compartment 5 x 5 x 6 cm

Flyer instruction

* House of the Dragon

Weight - 415g

Dimensions - 12 х 13 х 12,2 сm

Inside compartment - 7 х 5 х 4,5 cm

Flyer instruction

In each game set, you will find a flyer including instructions on how to solve the problems. 

Do you need help solving the puzzles? Scan the QR code from the flyer and go to the online tips page.

Available in English and other languages.

Game time

The games from Knoxout are geared towards different game times to please all players.

Fort Knox Pro has an average completion time of 60-90 minutes.

House of the Dragon has an average completion time of 60-80 minutes.

Space Box has an average completion time of 90-120 minutes.

Play alone or with friends and family. You can share the experience of puzzle solving with two to three other players for a great evening at home.

How do I open the toys?

You need to solve all the puzzles to get to the secret compartment inside. Check the escape toys carefully and look for special symbols on them. They will help you understand the mechanisms and get to the hidden chambers in the toys.

I want to gift the escape toys. Do I need to solve all the puzzles?

Not necessary! Especially for you, we have posted a short instruction on the website on how to quickly open everything without solving all the quizzes. Thus, you can easily open the toy in a few simple steps, hide the gift, close it in the same way and give it to another person.

Can I re-play the Escape games?

Nothing gets damaged when you play. However, there is only one way to solve all quizzes. So, when playing the second time, you already know how to do it.

How long does the game last?

On average, solving all puzzles and opening one of the toys takes 60-120 minutes.

How many people can play with me?

The game is designed for a maximum of 2-3 players.

Can I play with my child?

All products are designed for ages 14+. However, helping your child and solving puzzles with him will greatly unite your family and allow your child to solve difficult problems as a team!

What materials is the product made of?

All our products are made from high-strength natural Birchwood. Our team assembles puzzle pieces by hand. We are very careful and sensitive to the quality of the product, so you can be sure that it is safe. And also wood allows you to experience a very pleasant tactile sensation - you will like to hold our puzzles in your hands.

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Garth R.
15 Dec 2021, 09:12 AM
I had an absolute blast solving it. It was great fun. It's made an very beautiful addition to my puzzle collection.
Escape Welt Logo
14 Dec 2021, 10:12 AM
Really great puzzle!
Well built, fun and it looks nice as well. Being all wood it feels more special and like a luxury item than if it were plastic. Nite that it comes closed so if you want to use it as a gift box you'll need to complete the puzzle to open it first!

I had a problem with delivery initially due to a courrier, when I contacted Escape Welt they were brilliant, shipped me a new item straight away and made everything better, even replying to emails outside of office hours and at weekends.
Escape Welt Logo
Roland P.
17 Nov 2021, 09:11 AM
Very entertaining thing. Half day of brainstorming is provided. :) The main thing is to do everything step by step and take your time.
19 Aug 2021, 12:08 PM
It is very high quality, nice to hold in your hands. I did it alone and I needed clues 😄 Dor all that I decided, everything is cool. Thanks
Escape Welt Logo
Clara P.
19 Aug 2021, 12:08 PM
I received it as a present, it was very unexpected and interesting, I haven't seen this before. We did it together with my mom, we liked it
Escape Welt Logo
Eduardo M.
19 Aug 2021, 12:08 PM
It turned out to be a little easier than the Space Box, but I really liked it, it's interesting. Thanks for the coin, I will save now 😄
12 Sep 2023, 13:09 PM
A very high quality product, thank you! This was my first puzzle of this kind, now I want more.
23 Aug 2023, 13:08 PM
Today we had a very interesting and wonderful day. Our whole family solved this wonderful cube from Escape Welt. Thanks for the emotions.
Jequinha N.
10 Apr 2023, 10:04 AM
Die Fort Knox Box ist eine kreative Geschenkbox, um Kleinigkeiten wie Geld oder sonstiges zu verschenken. Man muss hier nämlich erstmal paar Rätseln lösen, um an seine Sachen ranzukommen. Die Rätseln sind wirklich lustig gestaltet ... manche sind wirklich knifflig aber nicht unlösbar. Das ganze Konstrukt ist aus Holz, was man beachten sollte ! Ansicht ist es ziemlich robust aber trotzdem sollte man bei der Sache nicht mit Gewalt rangehen. Durch das lösen der Rätseln, lassen sich alle Teile ohne viel Kraft entfernen. Falls man Hilfe benötigt, bietet der Hersteller paar Tipps oder sogar die Lösung an. Zu dem ist alles wirklich detailliert.

Ich finde es ist mal eine andere Art Sachen zu verschenken ! Daher von mir eine Empfehlung was die Kreativität angeht.
Anton I.
09 Apr 2023, 21:04 PM
Die Fort Knox Box ist aus Holz gefertigt und stabiler als ich gedacht habe. Meine große Tochter hat sich das Teil neugierig besehen und wollte das Rätsel dann gleich lösen. Das ist allerdings nicht so einfach und man benötigt schon eine Weile, um das Spiel zu lösen und den Tresor zu öffnen. Meine Tochter ist nicht unbedingt so geduldig, doch dieses Spiel fesselte sie. Sie blieb lange dran, gab irgendwann auf, kehrte dann aber wieder zurück und machte weiter. Bisher hat sie es noch nicht geschafft, jedoch ist die Neugierde immer noch da und sie bleibt dran. Ich bin gespannt, ob und wann sie es gelöst hat.
Michelle E.
09 Apr 2023, 17:04 PM
Dieses Rätsel ist für alle Entdecker und Kniffler eine Supersache, es ist komplett aus Holz gefertigt und enthält vielerlei kleine rätseln die zusammengefügt werden müssen um schlussendlich ins Innere zu gelangen. Natürlich ist diese Art von Reetze recht teuer was zum einen des Materials sowie der Verarbeitung zu Schulden kommt und zum anderen auch die extrem lange Dauer die man benötigt um es zu öffnen. Kleinere Rätsel lassen sich schon in Minuten oder Sekunden öffnen oder lösen, hier ist es etwas anderst. Um erst mal darauf zu kommen wo man was findet und wie man es verbindet gehen Minuten über Minuten verstrichen. Schlussendlich braucht man ungefähr 45-60 Minuten um es gelöst zu haben. Falls man einmal nicht weiterkommt gibt es einen kleinen beiliegenden Zettel worauf ein QR-Code für eine Video Anleitung zu finden ist. Ich möchte hier definitiv keinerlei Angaben zu den einzelnen Rädchen selbst machen um nicht die Spannung oder gar das ganze Erlebnis zu beeinträchtigen.
08 Apr 2023, 15:04 PM
Hat Spaß gemacht die Rätsel zu lösen. Ist für jeden mit ein wenig Nachdenken machbar. Lässt sich nach dem Lösen auch wieder zusammenbauen, so dass es andere, die die Lösung noch nicht kennen es auch spielen können.